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Join us for a cuppa and chat, sign up for WGO events, pay for your membership or just come to say "Hi!" . . . either way we would love to see you and welcome you to the WGO community.
Join us for this exciting new workshop with Sununu Muscat.You will be putting the pieces together to make the footstool as well as painting and upholstering. All materials will be provided, however you can bring your own fabric if its suitable for upholstering. Sign up at our Wednesday Coffee Mornings 6, 13, 20 & 27 September, Holiday Inn, Seeb from 9:30 to 11:00
Join us for a cuppa and chat, sign up for WGO events, pay for your membership or just come to say "Hi!" . . . either way we would love to see you and welcome you to the WGO community.
Sign up and pay for WGO events or pay for your membership once you have registered online.
Sign up and pay for WGO events or pay for your membership once you have registered online.
Join us for a cuppa and chat, sign up for WGO events, pay for your membership or just come to say "Hi!" . . . either way we would love to see you and welcome you to the WGO community.
Join us for a cuppa and chat, sign up for WGO events, pay for your membership or just come to say "Hi!" . . . either way we would love to see you and welcome you to the WGO community.
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